Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New projects updates

We got a bug rush on all projects after NY holidays here.

Here is just a few of projects we work now:
  • We finished Iteration 2 (Project management) of ERP system for US SEO and web development company. Now expecting some feedback on it and cant wait to continue with other modules.

  • Yesterday we also started development of new social network that will be focused on adult content. Its for our new UK client. We are doing it in a very rapid agile way so expecting to have good results within couple weeks.

  • I am also in a discussion of our partnership with Germany company that provides B2B services in media content exchange. They are seeking for provider to develop their billing and accounting subsystem. This going to be challenging and interesting task for couple of our developers. Hope after that we can continue our relations and i could visit Berlin again :)

  • Aslo we are on deadline week for our Team Management web site where we faced unexpected troubles with payment systems and need to replace it to paypal very urgently.

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